Phonetics Tools in R

## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2     ✓ purrr   0.3.4
## ✓ tibble  3.0.3     ✓ dplyr   1.0.2
## ✓ tidyr   1.1.2     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr   1.3.1     ✓ forcats 0.5.0
## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Attaching package: 'phonTools'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     slice
## Attaching package: 'audio'
## The following object is masked from 'package:phonTools':
##     play
## Attaching package: 'tuneR'
## The following object is masked from 'package:audio':
##     play
## The following objects are masked from 'package:phonTools':
##     normalize, play

For this workshop, I will be using a subset of my dissertation data. I will be using words with oral vowels in Brazilian Portuguese (/a/ from the word babado, /i/ from the word cabido, and /u/ from the word tributo), repeated by five female speakers in a carrier phrase. The audio files and accompanying textgrids I use are named as follows:

absdir = "/Users/marissabarlaz/Desktop/FemaleBP/"
mydir = list.files(absdir, "*.WAV")
##  [1] "BP17-L-babado.WAV"  "BP17-L-cabido.WAV"  "BP17-L-tributo.WAV"
##  [4] "BP18-L-babado.WAV"  "BP18-L-cabido.WAV"  "BP18-L-tributo.WAV"
##  [7] "BP19-L-babado.WAV"  "BP19-L-cabido.WAV"  "BP19-L-tributo.WAV"
## [10] "BP20-L-babado.WAV"  "BP20-L-cabido.WAV"  "BP20-L-tributo.WAV"
## [13] "BP21-L-babado.WAV"  "BP21-L-cabido.WAV"  "BP21-L-tributo.WAV"
testwav = paste0(absdir, mydir[1])
## [1] "/Users/marissabarlaz/Desktop/FemaleBP/BP17-L-babado.WAV"
testtext = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".TextGrid")
testformant = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".Formant")
testpitch = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".Pitch")
testpitchtier = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".PitchTier")
testint = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".Intensity")
testinttier = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".IntensityTier")
testtable = str_replace(testwav, ".WAV", ".Table")

For these analyses, I will be using text grids I have already created. It is possible to do annotations with R, but it can be very time consuming, and involves knowing the exact start and end points of sounds.

The audio files can be found here.


First, we will talk about how to actually call Praat from R using the praatR package.

Before you begin, it is important to figure out what settings you will want for formant analysis, and pitch analysis.

FormantArguments = list( 0.001, # Time step (s)
                         5,     # Max. number of formants
                         5500,  # Maximum formant (Hz)
                         0.025, # Window length (s)
                         50    )# Pre-emphasis from (Hz)

PitchArguments = list( 0.001,   # Time step (s)
                       75,      # Pitch floor 
                       350 )    # Pitch ceiling

Pitch analysis

Basically, PraatR works by creating new .Pitch, .PitchTier, etc. files. You use the praat() function to call any sort of function you would use in R. Note that this package is extremely finnicky about spaces in names of folders/paths.

praat( "To Pitch...", arguments=PitchArguments, input=testwav, output=testpitch, overwrite=TRUE )
praat( "Down to PitchTier", input=testpitch, output=testpitchtier, overwrite=TRUE, filetype="headerless spreadsheet" )
PitchTierData = read.table(testpitchtier, col.names=c("Time","F0"))
##         Time       F0
## 1 0.02016667 260.6060
## 2 0.02116667 260.3456
## 3 0.02216667 260.1420
## 4 0.02316667 259.9835
## 5 0.02416667 259.8604
## 6 0.02516667 259.7627
praat( "Down to Table...",
       arguments = list( FALSE, # Include line number
                         10,    # Time decimals
                         TRUE, # Include tier names
                         FALSE  # Include empty intervals
                       ), # End list()
       overwrite = TRUE


TextGridTable = read.delim(testtable)
##         tmin    tier text       tmax
## 1  0.3685511 segment   ao  0.5662138
## 2  3.5062709 segment   ao  3.6929523
## 3  6.0017163 segment   ao  6.1883977
## 4  8.5326568 segment   ao  8.7229987
## 5 11.0302097 segment   ao 11.2315328
## 6 13.5066505 segment   ao 13.6915017

What if you wanted to get the pitch for each particular sound, let’s say at their midpoints?

TextGridTable = TextGridTable %>% mutate(midpoint = (tmax + tmin)/2)
praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(TextGridTable$midpoint[5], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testpitch)
## [1] "206.1084180844884 Hz"
for (i in 1:length(TextGridTable$midpoint)){
  TextGridTable$F0_mdpt[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(TextGridTable$midpoint[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testpitch)

#sapply(TextGridTable$midpoint, function(x) praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(x, "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testpitch))

##         tmin    tier text       tmax   midpoint               F0_mdpt
## 1  0.3685511 segment   ao  0.5662138  0.4673824 206.13880905863698 Hz
## 2  3.5062709 segment   ao  3.6929523  3.5996116 199.87076326158552 Hz
## 3  6.0017163 segment   ao  6.1883977  6.0950570 202.56410033498975 Hz
## 4  8.5326568 segment   ao  8.7229987  8.6278278  199.7400301550135 Hz
## 5 11.0302097 segment   ao 11.2315328 11.1308712  206.1084180844884 Hz
## 6 13.5066505 segment   ao 13.6915017 13.5990761 206.74855943457132 Hz

Now, what if you wanted to get 5 points of time?

TextGridTable = TextGridTable %>% group_by(tmin) %>% 
  mutate(timept = list(seq(1,5,1)),
         fivepts= list(seq(from = tmin, to = tmax, by = (tmax-tmin)/4))) %>%

#This doesn't work - use a for loop instead, or sapply as above
#TextGridTable %>% mutate(
#F0 = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(fivepts, "Hertz", "Linear"), input = testpitch))

TextGridTable$F0= 0
for (i in 1:length(TextGridTable$fivepts)){
  TextGridTable$F0[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(TextGridTable$fivepts[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testpitch)

Now, your formant outputs are character class. In order to change this to numeric, we will first remove ‘Hz’ from the character, then convert to numeric. Anything that is ‘undefined’ will be turned into an NA.

TextGridTable = TextGridTable %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F0_mdpt", "F0"), .funs = str_replace_all, pattern = "Hz", replacement = "") %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F0_mdpt", "F0"), .funs = str_replace_all, pattern = "--undefined--", replacement = "NA") %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F0_mdpt", "F0"), .funs = as.numeric)

OK, so that was done for one file. What about for multiple files? We need to put this all into a loop.

starttime = Sys.time()
alltextgrids = list()
for (j in 1:length(mydir)){
curwav = paste0(absdir, mydir[j])
curtext = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".TextGrid")
curpitch = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".Pitch")
curpitchtier = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".PitchTier")
curtable = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".Table")

praat( "Down to Table...",
       arguments = list( FALSE, # Include line number
                         10,    # Time decimals
                         TRUE, # Include tier names
                         FALSE  # Include empty intervals
                       ), # End list()
       overwrite = TRUE

       ) # End call to 'praat()'

TextGridTable = read.delim(curtable)
TextGridTable$Speaker = substr(mydir[1], 1, 4)
TextGridTable = TextGridTable %>% mutate(RepNo = as.numeric(as.factor(tmin)))%>% group_by(tmin) %>% 
  mutate(normtime = list(seq(0.1,1.0,.1)),
         acttimenorm= list(seq(from = tmin, to = tmax, by = (tmax-tmin)/9))) %>%

praat( "To Pitch...", arguments=PitchArguments, input=curwav, output=curpitch, overwrite=TRUE )
for (i in 1:length(TextGridTable$acttimenorm)){
  TextGridTable$F0[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(TextGridTable$acttimenorm[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=curpitch)
TextGridTable = TextGridTable %>% mutate(F0 = as.numeric(str_replace_all(str_replace_all(F0, pattern = "Hz", replacement = ""), pattern = "--undefined--", replacement = "NA")))
alltextgrids[[j]] = TextGridTable
#file.remove(c(curpitch, curtable))
rm(TextGridTable, curwav, curtable, curpitch, curtext, curpitchtier)

all_f0_data_PraatR <-"rbind", alltextgrids) %>% select(tmin, tmax, text, Speaker, RepNo, normtime, acttimenorm, F0) %>% rename(label = text)
rm(alltextgrids, i, j)
endtime = Sys.time()
endtime - starttime
## Time difference of 1.40635 hours

You can also do things like formant analysis the same way. I will not go through the entirety of a for loop, but just will show you an example on the testwav file I used before.

FormantTable = read.delim(testtable)
praat( "To Formant (burg)...",arguments = FormantArguments,input = testwav, output = testformant, overwrite = TRUE) # End praat()

FormantTable = FormantTable %>% mutate(midpoint = (tmax + tmin)/2, F1_mdpt = 0, F2_mdpt = 0, F3_mdpt = 0)

for (i in 1:length(FormantTable$midpoint)){
  FormantTable$F1_mdpt[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(1, FormantTable$midpoint[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testformant)
  FormantTable$F2_mdpt[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(2, FormantTable$midpoint[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testformant)
  FormantTable$F3_mdpt[i] = praat( "Get value at time...", arguments=list(3, FormantTable$midpoint[i], "Hertz", "Linear"), input=testformant)

##         tmin    tier text       tmax   midpoint                 F1_mdpt
## 1  0.3685511 segment   ao  0.5662138  0.4673824 883.2807619506391 hertz
## 2  3.5062709 segment   ao  3.6929523  3.5996116   921.21054130018 hertz
## 3  6.0017163 segment   ao  6.1883977  6.0950570  891.476628700663 hertz
## 4  8.5326568 segment   ao  8.7229987  8.6278278 894.5945631724654 hertz
## 5 11.0302097 segment   ao 11.2315328 11.1308712 951.6006078560181 hertz
## 6 13.5066505 segment   ao 13.6915017 13.5990761 922.6018852827742 hertz
##                    F2_mdpt                  F3_mdpt
## 1 1541.2145741840059 hertz  3076.798429305465 hertz
## 2 1570.7125874327346 hertz 3048.6353438460546 hertz
## 3  1601.201093375497 hertz 3002.8616503410567 hertz
## 4 1572.5047603271003 hertz 2994.0426186571212 hertz
## 5 1585.5962991072736 hertz 3057.4259220868607 hertz
## 6 1401.9751550767953 hertz  3050.813680335225 hertz
FormantTable = FormantTable %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F1_mdpt", "F2_mdpt", "F3_mdpt"), .funs = str_replace_all, pattern = "hertz", replacement = "") %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F1_mdpt", "F2_mdpt", "F3_mdpt"), .funs = str_replace_all, pattern = "--undefined--", replacement = "NA") %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("F1_mdpt", "F2_mdpt", "F3_mdpt"), .funs = as.numeric)

All commands supported in the PraatR package are listed here.


PraatR takes a really long time to run. A really long time. rPraat also can take a while, but is good for doing Praat-related inquiries R-internally, rather than interfacing with Praat. It once again takes things already made in Praat as inputs, such as PitchTier and IntensityTier. Here, I will use the PraatR functions in order to create these, rather than opening R.

Using rPraat, you can also create interactive graphs, called dygraphs. You can do them for textgrids, pitch tiers, and intensity tiers, but right now there is not a way to do it together, except by hacking together a plot.

praat( "To Pitch...", arguments=PitchArguments, input=testwav, output=testpitch, overwrite=TRUE )
praat( "Down to PitchTier", input=testpitch, output=testpitchtier, overwrite=TRUE, filetype="headerless spreadsheet" )

praat( "To Intensity...", arguments = list(100, 0), input=testwav, output=testint, overwrite=TRUE )
praat( "Down to IntensityTier", input=testint, output=testinttier, overwrite=TRUE, filetype="text" )

tg.test =
pt.test =
it.test =
#Plot individually using groups
tg.plot(tg.test, group = "testplot")
pt.plot(pt.test, group = "testplot")
it.plot(it.test, group = "testplot")

#plot sound
sndWav <- readWave(testwav); fs <- sndWav@samp.rate; snd <- sndWav@left / (2^(sndWav@bit-1))
t <- seqM(0, (length(snd)-1)/fs, by = 1/fs)

dygraph(data.frame(t, snd), xlab = "Time (sec)", group = "testplot")%>% dyRangeSelector(height = 20)
rm(sndWav, t)

Using apply to create .Pitch files

Things I didn’t know when I started writing this workshop - you CAN use apply functions to create all .Pitch and .PitchTier, etc. files on your computer. Once again, use absolute paths without spaces in them! This will make your life a lot easier, though sadly it does NOT make things shorter in terms of time.

mydirlong = "/Users/marissabarlaz/Desktop/FemaleBP/"
mydirwav = paste0(mydirlong, mydir)
mydirpitch = str_replace_all(mydirwav, ".WAV", ".Pitch")
mydirpitchtier = str_replace_all(mydirwav, ".WAV", ".PitchTier")
mydirall = cbind(mydirwav, mydirpitch, mydirpitchtier)

#lapply(seq(1,dim(mydirall)[1],1), function(x) praat( "To Pitch...", arguments=PitchArguments, input=mydirall[x,1], output=mydirall[x,2], overwrite=TRUE ))


apply(mydirall,1, function(x) praat( "To Pitch...", arguments=PitchArguments, input=x[1], output=x[2], overwrite=TRUE ))

What if we wanted to get the midpoint of pitch for each vowel in the textgrid? = tg.findLabels(tg.test, 1, labelVector = c("ao"), returnTime = TRUE)
tg = data.frame(t1 =tg.test$segment$t1, t2 = tg.test$segment$t2, label = tg.test$segment$label) %>% filter(label =="ao") %>% mutate(f0_mdpt = 0)

for (i in 1:length($t1)){
  mdpt = (tg$t1[i] + tg$t2[i])/2
  mywhichmdpt = which.min(abs(mdpt -pt.test$t))
    tg$f0_mdpt[i] = pt.test$f[mywhichmdpt]

##           t1         t2 label  f0_mdpt
## 1  0.3685511  0.5662138    ao 206.1531
## 2  3.5062709  3.6929523    ao 199.9026
## 3  6.0017163  6.1883977    ao 202.5589
## 4  8.5326568  8.7229987    ao 199.7170
## 5 11.0302097 11.2315328    ao 206.0849
## 6 13.5066505 13.6915017    ao 206.7488

Now, what if we wanted to get pitch information for 10 points throughout vowel duration, like we did before? Let’s put this all in a loop. Before, I did not delete the Pitch information off of my computer, so I am using that as a starting point.

starttime2 = Sys.time()
alltextgrids2 = list()
for (j in 1:length(mydir)){
  curwav = paste0(absdir, mydir[j])
curtext = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".TextGrid")
curpitch = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".Pitch")
curpitchtier = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".PitchTier")
curtable = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".Table")

TextGridInfo =
CurTextGrid = data.frame(tmin =TextGridInfo$segment$t1, tmax = TextGridInfo$segment$t2, label = TextGridInfo$segment$label) %>% filter(label !="") 
CurTextGrid$Speaker = substr(mydir[1], 1, 4)
CurTextGrid = CurTextGrid %>% mutate(RepNo = as.numeric(as.factor(tmin))) %>% group_by(tmin) %>% 
  mutate(normtime = list(seq(0.1,1.0,.1)),
         acttimenorm= list(seq(from = tmin, to = tmax, by = (tmax-tmin)/9))) %>%

praat( "Down to PitchTier", input=curpitch, output=curpitchtier, overwrite=TRUE, filetype="headerless spreadsheet" )
PitchTierInfo =

for (k in 1:length(CurTextGrid$acttimenorm)){

mytime = CurTextGrid$acttimenorm[k]
    mywhichpt = which.min(abs(mytime - PitchTierInfo$t))
    CurTextGrid$F0[k] = PitchTierInfo$f[mywhichpt]

alltextgrids2[[j]] = CurTextGrid
#file.remove(c(curpitch, curtable))
rm(CurTextGrid, curwav, curtable, curpitch, curtext, curpitchtier)

all_f0_data_rPraat <-"rbind", alltextgrids2)
## # A tibble: 6 x 8
## # Groups:   tmin [1]
##    tmin  tmax label Speaker RepNo normtime acttimenorm    F0
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.1       0.369  204.
## 2 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.2       0.391  210.
## 3 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.3       0.412  211.
## 4 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.4       0.434  209.
## 5 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.5       0.456  207.
## 6 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.6       0.478  205.
rm(alltextgrids, i, j)
endtime2 = Sys.time()
endtime2 - starttime2
## Time difference of 43.96095 secs

Unfortunately, as of now, we cannot do formant analysis with rPraat. You can do intensity analysis, if you would like.


PhonTools uses a lot of methods similar to what Praat uses, but it doesn’t use Praat objects. All calculations of formants and f0 are internal to R. Analyses rely heavily on the audio and tuneR packages.

Pitch tracking

Here, I reading in an audio file and a textgrid, creating a pitch track, and getting F0 at the midpoint of vowels. Because PhonTools doesn’t interact with Praat, you have to use a PraatR or RPraat function to import TextGrids, or use rjson. I will show you how to do it with both.

sndWav <- readWave(testwav); fs <- sndWav@samp.rate; snd <- sndWav@left / (2^(sndWav@bit-1))
t <- seqM(0, (length(snd)-1)/fs, by = 1/fs)

sound = makesound((sndWav@left / (2^(sndWav@bit-1))), mydir[1], fs = sndWav@samp.rate)
mytrack = formanttrack(sound, show = FALSE)

mypitch = pitchtrack(sound, f0range = c(60,400), timestep = 2, minacf = .5,correction = TRUE, show = TRUE, windowlength = 50, addtospect = FALSE)

mypitch$time = mypitch$time/1000

#using PraatR
mytable = read.delim(testtable) %>% mutate(midpoint = (tmin+tmax)/2)

mytable$f0_mdpt = mypitch$f0[sapply(mytable$midpoint,function(x) which.min(abs(x-mypitch$time)))]

I personally like using RPraat better, because you don’t need to use a Praat command to create a Table. Rather, you transform the textgrid into a dataframe right in R.

starttime3 = Sys.time()
alltextgrids3 = list()
for (j in 1:length(mydir)){
curwav = paste0(absdir, mydir[j])
curtext = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".TextGrid")

#Using RPraat
TextGridInfo =
CurTextGrid = data.frame(tmin =TextGridInfo$segment$t1, tmax = TextGridInfo$segment$t2, label = TextGridInfo$segment$label) %>% filter(label !="") 
CurTextGrid$Speaker = substr(mydir[1], 1, 4)
CurTextGrid = CurTextGrid %>% mutate(RepNo = as.numeric(as.factor(tmin))) %>%  group_by(tmin) %>% 
  mutate(normtime = list(seq(0.1,1.0,.1)),
         acttimenorm= list(seq(from = tmin, to = tmax, by = (tmax-tmin)/9))) %>%

CurAudio = readWave(curwav)
CurSound = makesound((CurAudio@left / (2^(CurAudio@bit-1))), filename = mydir[1], fs = CurAudio@samp.rate)
curpitchtrack = pitchtrack(sound, f0range = c(60,400), timestep = 2, minacf = .5,correction = TRUE, show = FALSE, windowlength = 50, addtospect = FALSE)
curpitchtrack$time = curpitchtrack$time/1000

CurTextGrid$F0 = curpitchtrack$f0[sapply(CurTextGrid$acttimenorm,function(x) which.min(abs(x-curpitchtrack$time)))]
alltextgrids3[[j]] = CurTextGrid

all_f0_data_PhonTools <-"rbind", alltextgrids2)
rm(alltextgrids3, j)
endtime3 = Sys.time()
endtime3 - starttime3
## Time difference of 14.7412 mins

Formant Tracking

Like before, I will find the midpoint formant values for each audio file.

Formant_all_phontools = list()
for (j in 1:length(mydir)){
curwav = paste0(absdir, mydir[j])
curtext = str_replace(curwav, ".WAV", ".TextGrid")
TextGridInfo =
CurTextGrid = data.frame(tmin =TextGridInfo$segment$t1, tmax = TextGridInfo$segment$t2, label = TextGridInfo$segment$label) %>% filter(label !="") %>% mutate(midpoint = (tmin+tmax)/2)

CurAudio = readWave(curwav)
CurSound = makesound((CurAudio@left / (2^(CurAudio@bit-1))), filename = mydir[1], fs = CurAudio@samp.rate)
FormantTrack = formanttrack(CurSound, show = FALSE) %>% mutate(time = time/1000)

CurTextGrid$f1_mdpt = FormantTrack$f1[sapply(CurTextGrid$midpoint,function(x) which.min(abs(x-FormantTrack$time)))]
CurTextGrid$f2_mdpt = FormantTrack$f2[sapply(CurTextGrid$midpoint,function(x) which.min(abs(x-FormantTrack$time)))]
CurTextGrid$f3_mdpt = FormantTrack$f3[sapply(CurTextGrid$midpoint,function(x) which.min(abs(x-FormantTrack$time)))]

Formant_all_phontools[[j]] = CurTextGrid
rm(CurAudio, CurSound, FormantTrack)
all_formant_data_PhonTools <-"rbind", Formant_all_phontools)

Comparison and plotting F0

First, let’s create a data frame combining all normalized F0 data from rPraat, PraatR, and PhonTools

## # A tibble: 6 x 8
## # Groups:   tmin [1]
##    tmin  tmax label Speaker RepNo normtime acttimenorm    F0
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.1       0.369  204.
## 2 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.2       0.391  210.
## 3 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.3       0.412  211.
## 4 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.4       0.434  209.
## 5 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.5       0.456  207.
## 6 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.6       0.478  205.
## # A tibble: 6 x 8
## # Groups:   tmin [1]
##    tmin  tmax label Speaker RepNo normtime acttimenorm    F0
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.1       0.369   NA 
## 2 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.2       0.391  210.
## 3 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.3       0.412  211.
## 4 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.4       0.434  209.
## 5 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.5       0.456  207.
## 6 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.6       0.478  205.
## # A tibble: 6 x 8
## # Groups:   tmin [1]
##    tmin  tmax label Speaker RepNo normtime acttimenorm    F0
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.1       0.369  204.
## 2 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.2       0.391  210.
## 3 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.3       0.412  211.
## 4 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.4       0.434  209.
## 5 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.5       0.456  207.
## 6 0.369 0.566 ao    BP17        1      0.6       0.478  205.
all_f0_data_rPraat = all_f0_data_rPraat %>% mutate(method = "rPraat")
all_f0_data_PraatR = all_f0_data_rPraat %>% mutate(method = "PraatR")
all_f0_data_PhonTools = all_f0_data_rPraat %>% mutate(method = "PhonTools")

all_f0_data = rbind(all_f0_data_PraatR, all_f0_data_rPraat, all_f0_data_PhonTools) %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("label", "method"), .funs = as.factor)

all_f0_data$label = as.factor(all_f0_data$label) <- function(data, XX = 'NormTime', YY = 'vp_normalized','Nasality', data.cat2 = 'Vowel', flip=FALSE, length.out=1000, alpha=1.4){    
    if (flip==TRUE){
        data$Y <- -data$Y
    data$tempword <- unlist(data[,])
    data$tempword2 <- unlist(data[,data.cat2])
    data$X<- unlist(data[,XX])
    data$Y<- unlist(data[,YY])
    #print(summary(lm(Y ~ tempword * X, data=data)))
    ss.model <- ssanova(Y ~ X + tempword* tempword2 + tempword:tempword2:X, data=data, alpha=alpha)
    ss.result <- expand.grid(X=seq(min(data$X), max(data$X), length.out=length.out), tempword=levels(data$tempword), tempword2=levels(data$tempword2))
    ss.result$ss.Fit <- predict(ss.model, newdata=ss.result, se=T)$fit
    ss.result$ss.cart.SE  <- predict(ss.model, newdata=ss.result, se=T)$

    ss.result$ss.upper.CI.X <- ss.result$X
    ss.result$ss.upper.CI.Y <- ss.result$ss.Fit + 1.96*ss.result$ss.cart.SE
    ss.result$ss.lower.CI.X <- ss.result$X
    ss.result$ss.lower.CI.Y <- ss.result$ss.Fit - 1.96*ss.result$ss.cart.SE
    names(ss.result)[which(names(ss.result)=='tempword')] <-
    names(ss.result)[which(names(ss.result)=='tempword2')] <- data.cat2
    # #ss.result
    # list(model=ss.model, result=ss.result)
mycomparison = = all_f0_data, X = "normtime", Y = "F0", = "label", data.cat2 = "method", alpha = 4, length.out = 1000)

cbPalette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

ggplot(mycomparison, aes(X, ss.Fit, group = method))  +geom_line(aes(linetype = method)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = ss.upper.CI.Y, ymin = ss.lower.CI.Y, fill = method), alpha = 0.4 )+ facet_wrap(~label, ncol = 1) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + ylab("F0") + xlab("Time (Normalized)") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

ggplot(mycomparison, aes(X, ss.Fit, group = label))  +geom_line(aes(linetype = label)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = ss.upper.CI.Y, ymin = ss.lower.CI.Y, fill = label), alpha = 0.4 )+ facet_wrap(~method, ncol = 1) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + ylab("OP") + xlab("Time (Normalized)") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

Plotting Formants - PhonR and ggplot


PhonR allows you to plot vowel spaces, including but not limited to scatter plots, ellipses, and means.

remapping <- c(ao = "ɑ", io = "i", uo = "u")
all_formant_data_PhonTools$unicodevowel <- remapping[as.character(all_formant_data_PhonTools$label)]

with(all_formant_data_PhonTools, plotVowels(f1_mdpt, f2_mdpt, label, plot.tokens = TRUE, pch.tokens = unicodevowel, cex.tokens = 1.2, alpha.tokens = 0.4, plot.means = TRUE, pch.means = unicodevowel,     cex.means = 4, = unicodevowel, pretty = TRUE))

with(all_formant_data_PhonTools, plotVowels(f1_mdpt, f2_mdpt, label, plot.tokens = FALSE, plot.means = TRUE, = label, = label, pretty = TRUE))

with(all_formant_data_PhonTools, plotVowels(f1_mdpt, f2_mdpt, label, plot.tokens = TRUE, pch.tokens = label, cex.tokens = 1.2, alpha.tokens = 0.2, plot.means = TRUE, pch.means = unicodevowel, cex.means = 2, = label, ellipse.line = TRUE, pretty = TRUE))


I personally like ggplot2 a lot more. It is extremely customizable, and can be used in any color scheme. IPA can also be used in ggplot2.

ggplot(all_formant_data_PhonTools, aes(x = f2_mdpt, y = f1_mdpt, color = label)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.4) + scale_x_reverse() + scale_y_reverse() + scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + theme_minimal()

ggplot(all_formant_data_PhonTools, aes(x = f2_mdpt, y = f1_mdpt, color = label)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.4) + scale_x_reverse() + scale_y_reverse() + stat_ellipse(aes(group = label)) + scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + theme_minimal()

formant_means = all_formant_data_PhonTools %>% group_by(unicodevowel) %>% summarise(meanF1 = mean(f1_mdpt), meanF2 = mean(f2_mdpt))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
ggplot(all_formant_data_PhonTools, aes(x = f2_mdpt, y = f1_mdpt, color = unicodevowel)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.4) + scale_x_reverse() + scale_y_reverse() + stat_ellipse(aes(group = label)) +geom_text(data = formant_means, aes(x = meanF2, y = meanF1, color = unicodevowel, label = unicodevowel), size = 10) +scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + theme_minimal() +

ggplot(all_formant_data_PhonTools, aes(x = f2_mdpt, y = f1_mdpt, color = unicodevowel)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_reverse() + scale_y_reverse() + stat_ellipse(aes(group = label)) +geom_text(data = formant_means, aes(x = meanF2, y = meanF1, color = unicodevowel, label = unicodevowel), size = 10) +scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + theme_minimal() 

ggplot(all_formant_data_PhonTools, aes(x = f2_mdpt, y = f1_mdpt, color = unicodevowel)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_reverse(position = "top") + scale_y_reverse(position = "right") + stat_ellipse(aes(group = label)) +geom_text(data = formant_means, aes(x = meanF2, y = meanF1, color = unicodevowel, label = unicodevowel), size = 10) +scale_color_manual(values = cbPalette[2:4]) + theme_minimal() 

Spectrograms with PhonTools

soundmini = sound = makesound((sndWav@left / (2^(sndWav@bit-1)))[1:10000], mydir[1], fs = sndWav@samp.rate)
